Timely Reminder Alerts
The Reminder Alert Service runs as a scheduled service, independent of any specific process. If an error occurs while you’re on the process of completing a tax return and is not handled rightly, the Alert service detects the error and reports it, regardless of the tax return that generated the error.

Email Alerts: We keep you informed about every action you do in the website. Email service alerts are sent to the following action items;
- Once you creating a new account, a welcome email will be sent to make sure you did it exactly as it is required.
- Once a payment is done for using our service or when the card gets declined by the merchant service.
- Once a tax return is successfully completed and submitted for processing with the IRS
- When IRS finds any mismatch of data and rejects your tax return
- Once IRS accepts your tax return and when your Watermarked Schedule-1 is ready to download
- In case of any validation errors that trigger when the system finds any mismatch of details.

Phone Call Alerts: We take the utmost responsibility in keeping you informed of your return status and when any further clarification needed at the point of submitting your tax return with the IRS.
- Our Help Desk will reach you to make sure you did your return right and to find out any difficulties you have in the process of completing it.
- Once when IRS rejects the tax return or the rejected return went unnoticed for a while without fixing it up and fail to retransmit for processing.
- To remind you about the deadline of your tax return and when the new tax filing period approaches.
- At some special occasions when we have a message to be communicated.

Fax Alerts:
- When you subscribe for FAX copies of IRS watermarked Schedule-1 proof.
- On the occasion of special promotions with a discount coupons

SMS Alerts:
- When you subscribe for Text Alerts to receive the status of your tax return.
- On the occasion of special promotions with a discount coupons